Are You Lonely? You Are Not Alone…

Many Christians give off the persona as though they are joyful and happy all the time – let’s be real, okay?  That’s now how it REALLY is in this walk with Christ.  As you can probably tell by my writings, I am not a “fake” person.  Why?  Because I simply don’t see the point in […]

What Are You Letting In to Your Home? Into Your Family? Into Your Life?

This is a sticky subject to write… It is one that Holy Spirit is working on with me, but I like to be transparent in my walk and as I asked Holy Spirit what I should write about this morning, what He indicated made me wince… You see, it is one that I feel a […]

What Do You Do When You Find Yourself In the Middle of a War – YOU FIGHT!

Whether or not you are aware of it, or choose to believe it does not change the fact that we are in the middle of a spiritual war.  You can cross your arms over your chest and stubbornly refuse to acknowledge it, but the truth of the matter is the war is STILL going on […]

Why Are You So Hard on You?

Did you know that YOU have been made in God’s image?  Next time you take a look in that mirror – think on that… Instead of seeing yourself with critical eyes, look at it with the perspective of your Father.   HE CREATED YOU. The Bible tells us in Jeremiah 1:5: “I knew you when you […]

Hey Warrior – Whatever it is – You CAN Rise Above It!

If you take time to listen to the voice of Holy Spirit instead of the noise surrounding you, you will retain your focus and most of all your peace.  Holy Spirit used a very dear Sister in Christ to provide me with a new life motto just before He took her home to the Lord.  […]

Are You Feeling Polluted?

I’m going to share with you something that you may be oblivious to – you have an enemy, one who passionately hates you.  One whose sole purpose is making sure that you never find out the truth of how and why you were created.  One who never wants you to find out how loved you […]

The Proof is in Your Pudding – What’s in Your Mix?

There is a popular saying, “The proof is in the pudding.”  I wanted to know where that saying came from and after Googling it, I learned that the earliest records of that expression were from the beginning of the 1600s. In the U.K. a common dish of a savory dish involved a sausage-like concoction which […]

The Woman with the Alabaster Jar

We tend to look at the Bible as “stories” and not as history, as we should.  Maybe if we changed our perspective of what we are reading, we would have a greater understanding of what it is Holy Spirit is showing us at any particular moment, since the Bible IS the living Word of God. […]