Jesus Didn’t Just Share His Faith – He Showed His Faith… Are You???

When God has called you to be part of His called remnant, you have to realize that in order to be in the center of His will, we have to look to Jesus as our example, we have to walk in forgiveness. We are called to forgive. We live in a day and age where […]

“Be like Mary, Martha.”

Holy Spirit whispered a word recently that I feel led to share, because I think it is a word not only for me but for others, especially those that are encouragers and givers. I feel like Holy Spirit is telling us it’s time that we allow ourselves to be refreshed.  As “givers” this may be […]

Rejection = Intercession

One of the hardest things I have found in becoming part of God’s Called Remnant, is that not everyone in your life will understand or share your joy in the transformation God is doing in your life.  I remember when I first got saved, I was so excited!  No one had ever told me what […]

Below the Surface

The Bible tells us that God looks at the heart.  Throughout Jesus’ interactions with people, he saw beyond the surface level of people.  The lepers, the tax collectors, the demon possessed, to name just a few.  Jesus looked beyond what society saw.  He looked beyond the surface level.   As He did then, He does now.  […]

Do You Want to Be Healed?

  Are you playing the “Blame Game?” Is something keeping you from going forward in your calling?  In the book of Genesis 3:12, Adam blamed God and Eve for his participation in sinning.  “The man said, ‘The woman you put here with me–she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.’” Eve […]


New Year’s has never been one of my favorite holidays, it’s probably because I am an 11 years’ breast cancer survivor, God healed me. I have come to learn how precious life is.  Each day, not only one. We act as though we are “promised” tomorrow.  We take today for granted; the truth is today […]