Category: The Prodigal Experience
The Allegory of the Pitbull
“Be very careful, then, how you live–not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” (Ephesians 5:15-16) She was walking down a new pathway, lost in thought of the lessons she had learned upon the previous way. Soaking them in, digesting them, smarting from the lesson she had […]
Wake up Beautiful Dreamer – Your Enemy Wants to Keep You Ignorant of His Presence. ARISE!
Are You Heavy Burdened?
It is easy to become heavy burdened in a world that seems filled with problems… You may feel hard-pressed on all sides as we walk through what feels like mire. You may feel heavy hearted, concerned, weary, discouraged, anxious, depressed. You can’t turn the news on without it adding to your concerns. Fake news and […]
The Called Remnant Reader Comments: