God’s Word is Alive

I want to share a testimony with you – my testimony.  I am one who can attest that the God of the Bible IS STILL as it says in Hebrews 13:8: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Twelve years ago, I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer, stage 2.  There […]

You Get to Choose, the Choice Has ALWAYS Been Yours!

You are precious to God. You matter.  You were created with a purpose.  You were created with gifts. God made you special. Even if you are not feeling that way right now, even as you read these words. Listen and I pray you hear Holy Spirit speaking through these words – there is NOTHING worse […]

You are NOT an Ugly Duckling!

God loves you so much… YOU were created IN LOVE, it doesn’t matter how your conception occurred – God created you!  And He created you with a purpose in mind!  He created you with specific gifts that make you special! There is only ONE you!  You ARE special!  Your job is to discover just what […]

You are NOT Alone

Are you in a situation where you feel as though no one understands you? As though you are at a standstill in your life with no idea how to move forward?  Do you feel alone in a room crowded with people? That no one “gets” you?  Are you at a point in your life where […]

Truth OR Dare? You Pick…

Truth or Dare? Which will you pick? Come on now, you remember playing this as a kid, if you didn’t – you missed out! So which will it be? This isn’t the same version – but it’s one people have a hard time facing…. Truth – Okay, the truth is most people are uncomfortable taking […]

Push Through It… Keep Going!

The very last thing the enemy wants is for you to fulfill your destiny in Christ, the reason and the purpose that God created you in your mother’s womb.  You were born with gifts, with talents that were meant to glorify the Creator, bless others and in the glorious process of being used by Him, […]

Are You Lonely? You Are Not Alone…

Many Christians give off the persona as though they are joyful and happy all the time – let’s be real, okay?  That’s now how it REALLY is in this walk with Christ.  As you can probably tell by my writings, I am not a “fake” person.  Why?  Because I simply don’t see the point in […]

What’s in YOUR Basket?

Imagine this – you are a follower of Christ; you have left everything to follow Him.  You have seen Him perform miracles and have personally felt His love.  Your only desire is to sit at his feet as Mary (Martha’s sister did) and listen to Him teach. Your only desire is to follow Him ALL […]

And the Curtains Were Torn Asunder –

I cannot imagine what it must have been like for those that loved Jesus to see Him hanging from that cross. As a mother, I cannot imagine Mary’s anguish.  As a friend and as a follower, it must have been excruciating not being able to do anything to help Him.  Knowing that He did NOT […]