Intercessory Prayer Combats Spiritual Warfare!

Are you the only follower of Christ in your family? If so, this post is being written to encourage you… You may not feel like it, in fact you may feel downright defeated!  Are you enduring persecution for your faith in Christ? Maybe you are living in a country where you are having to secretly […]

Do You Want the Truth? Here He Is…

The true measure of your faith is found in how you respond to those valley moments in your walk with God. It is in those moments when one realizes that we were not created to be independent upon our Creator.  We were created to NEED God, to be in fellowship WITH God.  In those valley […]

Beware – Be Aware

I’m writing this message to all the ex-prodigals, who might encounter this – I write this message in righteous anger at the harassing spirits that over the last few days have been trying to harass me and also a little bit of anger with myself for giving them a pinch of an inch to irritate […]

Who Sits on the Throne Seat of You?

I feel like Holy Spirit is prompting me to ask you this today: WHO IS YOUR GOD? What have you chosen to put on the center throne of your life? Is it worry? Is it problems? Is it money?  Is it an addiction? Is it hatred or anger? Or is it something else? What at […]

Faith Walking

Faith walking – is when you find yourself leaning upon God and you feel like you are walking in the pitch-black dark. It is when you don’t see the way – but you know you know the Way, so you extend your spiritual arms out in front of you and you step forward in prayer, […]

Listen to this Word and Quiet the Noise Keeping You from Hearing it!

I believe at this very moment that you are reading these words; Jesus is calling you to be part of His remnant.  He is asking you if you have accepted Him as Savior, made Him Lord OVER your life –  YOUR LIFE IS NO LONGER YOUR OWN, IT BELONGS TO HIM! I made my profession […]

“Wait God – You Want Me to Do What??!!”

It’s not easy being part of God’s Called Remnant (a follower of Jesus) in today’s world, but when I started to think about this Holy Spirit brought to my mind all the people that I have been studying in the Bible, I’m currently reading through the Old Testament.  I have made it through Genesis, Exodus, […]

Curse God and Die!

I’m pretty certain the title of this post caught your attention! I purposely labeled it that because in many instances in your walk with Christ, you may be surrounded by people who have the absolute BEST intentions, but like Job’s wife who said that to Him in Job 2:9: Then his wife said to him, […]

Stormy Weather

Did you ever realize how the people you love the most can affect your mood?  It’s like a weather forecast – you get into an argument with the one you love and all of a sudden, a voice goes off in your head kind of like that of a weatherman. “Today’s weather will be cold and stormy… […]