Tag: Jesus
More Trust Puhleaase…
Wax on, Wax Off
Peek-A-Boo – God Sees You… Stop Thinking You Can Hide…
Don’t Lose Focus – Eyes Straight Ahead on the Father!
Pride Before a Fall –
There are times in our walk with the Lord where He will bring you into situations that are totally out of the realm of anything you have ever encountered or experienced before. You suddenly find yourself in a situation where you are completely out of your comfort zone. You have no experiences that are similar […]
Introspectively Speaking…
We live in a world that focuses on the faults and shortcomings of those around us… Grudge holding, is that you? Still holding hurts of years gone past and in doing so, allowing yourself to be held captive to the pain of “their fault!” or “should have, would have, could haves but didn’ts…”: Or maybe […]
The Called Remnant Reader Comments: