Maybe God Wants You To Dial It Down…

Sometimes we focus on the blessing, instead of Our God from Whom ALL blessings flow… Sometimes we sit in a chair of life, snuggle deeper and get comfortable to the point where “don’t wanna” move from that big ol’ comfortable chair – and we stop hearing what it is God wants us to do, what […]

Who Do YOU Think YOU Are???

Have you ever had an epiphany before? You know, when you are in the middle of doing something and you have a realization that makes so much sense to you? Maybe it’s something about yourself or about a situation… But it is what I call an “Oh Yes!” Moment. A moment of realization. A moment […]

You Can’t GIVE Your Faith Away – But You CAN Share It! Pass It On!

I smile as I write this post because I was talking with a young man who is at the brink of starting a new chapter in his life.  He has so many questions, uncertainties about his future, and the best advice I could give him was: “Put Christ first” in EVERY decision and let Him […]

Are You in the Heat of a Battle? Don’t Give Up – Look Up!

Oh, this is a hard word to write, but one worth the writing… If you are going through a spiritual battle my prayer for you is that you won’t give up BUT look up because our help comes on high! Listen to say I have felt the heat is an understatement!  I have felt like […]

Carnal Christianity – Are You About Your Father’s Will? Or Are You About Yours?

One of the things Holy Spirit has been showing me lately, is that we have to always make sure that we are tuned into the right frequency.  As servants of the Lord and co-heirs to the kingdom of Heaven, we have to make sure that we are diligently listening to the direction of Holy Spirit. […]

The Not-So-Secret, Secret

Holy Spirit whispered something into my ear tonight that I had to get up and write about… It’s so obvious that it’s no wonder that many of us miss it, even though the Bible tells it to us and shows it to us with its Words over and over again!  In fact, many of you […]

The Accuser Accuses – That’s What He Does

As I was praying today, thinking about myself, people I know, the state of the world, the thought that went through my head is this: The accuser – accuses.  It’s what he does. So why are we surprised that the same tactics ol’ slewfoot used in the Garden of Eden with  Eve and Adam, he […]

The Greatest Love of All – is ONLY Found in Him!

The very best thing about being in a personal relationship with Jesus once you have accepted Him into your heart as your Savior, made the decision of making Him Lord OVER your life, is the fact that the void you had totally tried to fill with “other things” becomes filled with what the Bible calls, […]

“It Ain’t What it Looks Like”

We are to walk by faith and not by sight… Faith walking is exercising those spiritual muscles that the world doesn’t teach us to use, and it can be really hard to adjust to, but that’s okay.  I was once told that anything you do for 30 days becomes a habit.  We have to adjust […]