Stormy Weather? What’s the Foundation of YOU?

I have sat here typing an opening sentence, frowning up my face, hitting the back button to delete what I have written,  only to start over again.  Really what I’m feeling is, “Holy Spirit – what is going on?!!!”  Do you feel that way too? 2022 has felt to me what it must feel like […]

The Cain and Abel Factor – Still Alive and Well Today…

This morning, as I was driving and asking Holy Spirit what it was that He wanted me to write about today, I heard Him whisper, “Cain and Abel.” I was a bit surprised, but as I thought about it, it occurred to me that the Cain and Abel factor is one that is current even […]

Jesus Didn’t Just Share His Faith – He Showed His Faith… Are You???

When God has called you to be part of His called remnant, you have to realize that in order to be in the center of His will, we have to look to Jesus as our example, we have to walk in forgiveness. We are called to forgive. We live in a day and age where […]

Pardon Me, I Should Have Begun With My Testimony…

Once you make a decision to make Jesus your Lord and Savior, your life will surely change.  I write this with a smile on my face because 36 years ago I had no idea that praying a simple prayer, would drastically change my life. God IS merciful.  God IS patient. God IS loving. Listen, God […]

What Pursuit are You Pursuing?

Whether or not we recognize it, every morning that we wake up we go through our day believing things and whatever we believe sets the course of actions on what we do with that day.  Our daily activities that we perform are engrained in how we live and whether or not we recognize it – […]

How Are You Living? What is the Foundation of You?

This post is for you if you have declared yourself to be a Christian.  The dictionary defines the word “Christian” like this: “A person who has received Christian baptism or is a believer in Christianity.” It also says, “relating to or professing Christianity or its teaching.” and in Google it says, “a person who believes […]

Follow the Leader… Only It’s Not a Game…

Who are you following? Quiet your heart for a moment and think on that question. The Bible tells us in Matthew 6:21: “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Maybe it’s not a “who” but a “what.”   It could be the way you are living…  You follow what you believe because […]