The Woman with the Alabaster Jar

We tend to look at the Bible as “stories” and not as history, as we should.  Maybe if we changed our perspective of what we are reading, we would have a greater understanding of what it is Holy Spirit is showing us at any particular moment, since the Bible IS the living Word of God. […]

Oh Yeah, and Don’t Forget the Walking in Love Part…

I can only speak for myself, but I’m hoping that since I seem to be struggling with this maybe Holy Spirit is directing others with the same issue to this post. 🙂 Being in the center of God’s will for your life involves something Jesus spoke of – something that just about everyone I know […]

A Message From the Father – FOR YOU.

Did you know that God is the lover of your soul?  He knows you MORE intimately than anyone you can imagine… And HE LOVES YOU. Let me say it again because it bears repeating: GOD LOVES YOU! Right now!  Where you are at! FOR REAL! God SEES you!  There is NOTHING about you that is […]

Peek-A-Boo – God Sees You… Stop Thinking You Can Hide…

You don’t have to have a “stiff upper lip” when it comes to being real with God… I’ve been thinking a lot about this, the spirit of religion is one that runs rampant.  What is the spirit of religion?  Jesus defined it in Matthew 15:8:  “‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts […]

Pride Before a Fall –

There are times in our walk with the Lord where He will bring you into situations that are totally out of the realm of anything you have ever encountered or experienced before. You suddenly find yourself in a situation where you are completely out of your comfort zone. You have no experiences that are similar […]

And the Curtains Were Torn Asunder –

I cannot imagine what it must have been like for those that loved Jesus to see Him hanging from that cross. As a mother, I cannot imagine Mary’s anguish.  As a friend and as a follower, it must have been excruciating not being able to do anything to help Him.  Knowing that He did NOT […]