Remember Child of the Utmost High God – GOD IS GREATER!

I received a strong Word from Holy Spirit this morning and I want to share it with those of you who are enduring tremendous spiritual battle on ALL fronts of your life, especially those that are feeling disheartened, discouraged and defeated. 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 tells us: “We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; […]

Pedal to the Metal Kind of Faith~

The measurement of your level of faith comes when life’s adversaries come your way. This is where “practicing what you preach” or “talking the talk and walking the walk” comes in…  In other words, “the proof is in your faith-pudding.” This is where you can tell the difference between someone who has the spirit of […]

What Do You Do When You Find Yourself In the Middle of a War – YOU FIGHT!

Whether or not you are aware of it, or choose to believe it does not change the fact that we are in the middle of a spiritual war.  You can cross your arms over your chest and stubbornly refuse to acknowledge it, but the truth of the matter is the war is STILL going on […]

Righteous Indignation – Enough IS Enough! Have You Had Enough?

What rocks your faith?  Think about that question for a moment… When you have your answer, know that THAT area is a sore spot, and if ol’ slewfoot and his demons know that they have tripped you up in that area before – they are more than apt to try it again. What gets your […]

Bullet Dodging – Learn to Listen Before You Get Tripped Up…

When you allow yourself to become sensitive to Holy Spirit, He speaks to you in various of ways, I don’t like to box in how He speaks, because your relationship with God is called a “personal relationship” for a reason – it’s personal.  The third figure in our Triune God has been sent to us […]

What’s in YOUR Basket?

Imagine this – you are a follower of Christ; you have left everything to follow Him.  You have seen Him perform miracles and have personally felt His love.  Your only desire is to sit at his feet as Mary (Martha’s sister did) and listen to Him teach. Your only desire is to follow Him ALL […]

Are You of Sober Mind? Wisdom-Walking Takes Practice RISE Above It, Child of God!

The word Holy Spirit gave me this morning is that Jesus told the disciples in John 16:32-33: ““A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me. I have […]

Spiritual Knots Need Combing Out? Sit Still! God’s Got This, Let Him!

Don’t feel like you have to lie to God. Do you feel like crying today?  He doesn’t expect you to keep a “stiff upper lip” – CRY. Did you know that the Bible says in Psalm 56:8: “You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have […]

Is There a Snake in Your Garden? Who is Fighting YOUR battles?

I am very conscientious about each post I write… Because I am a scribe for the Lord I know I am accountable for everything I share, especially when it comes to the Lord.  The Bible says in Luke 12:48: “To much is given, much is required.” When you choose to seek the Lord for the […]

Wake up Beautiful Dreamer – Your Enemy Wants to Keep You Ignorant of His Presence. ARISE!

I would be remiss in writing about the love you have of a God who gave His only begotten Son for you. (See John 3:16), without writing the why of it. This may come as a surprise to you, as it did to me 34 years ago because I didn’t know, but Holy Spirit removed […]