Below the Surface

The Bible tells us that God looks at the heart.  Throughout Jesus’ interactions with people, he saw beyond the surface level of people.  The lepers, the tax collectors, the demon possessed, to name just a few.  Jesus looked beyond what society saw.  He looked beyond the surface level.   As He did then, He does now.  […]

Do You Want to Be Healed?

  Are you playing the “Blame Game?” Is something keeping you from going forward in your calling?  In the book of Genesis 3:12, Adam blamed God and Eve for his participation in sinning.  “The man said, ‘The woman you put here with me–she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.’” Eve […]


New Year’s has never been one of my favorite holidays, it’s probably because I am an 11 years’ breast cancer survivor, God healed me. I have come to learn how precious life is.  Each day, not only one. We act as though we are “promised” tomorrow.  We take today for granted; the truth is today […]

What Pursuit are You Pursuing?

Whether or not we recognize it, every morning that we wake up we go through our day believing things and whatever we believe sets the course of actions on what we do with that day.  Our daily activities that we perform are engrained in how we live and whether or not we recognize it – […]

Are YOU From the Island of Broken or Misfit People?

Are you feeling like you are from the Island of misfit or broken toys?  It’s Christmas time and one of my favorite Christmas cartoons is Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.    The reindeer who wasn’t accepted by all the other reindeers because he was “different.”  Instead of being considered “special” he was ostracized for his bright shiny red nose.  He […]

Christmas Reflections

How quickly Christmas present becomes Christmas past… That was the realization I had as I lay on the sofa watching “A Christmas Carol” which for me, has become a Christmas tradition I made for myself years ago. It was my father’s favorite Christmas movie, and so I try and honor his memory by ending Christmas […]