Ultimately, the Choice Belongs to You

Listen, no matter what I write or what anyone says, ultimately – in the end, it’s really between YOU and HIM… There is so much going on in the world right now, if you listen long enough it will make your eyes cross and your head spin like one of those tops we use to […]

Don’t Believe the Lies of the Accuser – Stand on God’s Truth

The accuser stands before God constantly pointing a finger at us. Mocking us, making us wince at the rehashing of the shortcomings we are very much aware of in the vessel of us. Making us want to run and hide as Adam and Eve hid in the garden of Eden. But then steps Jesus forward, […]

Are You Encountering Gethsemane Moments?

I want to share something with you that I have personally found to be true… The Bible says in 1 Peter 5:8: “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” Sometimes that roaring lion will circle around the same area time and […]

Regrets – Shoulda, Woulda, Couldas…

I promised myself when I was in my thirties that I would live a life without regrets, without any “shoulda, woulda, couldas…” But the truth of the matter is that if we are being honest, we ALL have regrets.  But here is the thing – instead of focusing on what we have done wrong (especially […]

Just Because You Don’t See it – Doesn’t Mean it isn’t Happening

As the saying goes, “seeing is believing” but John 20:29 tells us otherwise: “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” If you are part of God’s called Remnant (a follower of Jesus) than we have to adjust our way of living, our walk is to be one of faith.  We have […]

No Pain – No Gain, the enemy is strong but OUR God is Greater!

Walking by faith and not by sight is a constant exercise through life, it’s not a “one and done” deal. Exercising those faith muscles requires a spiritual endurance that no matter HOW old you are in Christ is a work out EVERY TIME.  (Take it from one who accepted Christ 34 years ago 🙂 ).  […]

God’s Word is Alive

I want to share a testimony with you – my testimony.  I am one who can attest that the God of the Bible IS STILL as it says in Hebrews 13:8: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Twelve years ago, I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer, stage 2.  There […]

Put Your Eyes on Jesus, Not Your Circumstances

Jesus understands so much more than we give Him credit for… What are you feeling?  What point are you in your walk with Him? The one thing the enemy tries desperately to do, is whisper words of discouragement into our ears.  His purpose is to do the same exact thing that he did with Eve […]

You Get to Choose, the Choice Has ALWAYS Been Yours!

You are precious to God. You matter.  You were created with a purpose.  You were created with gifts. God made you special. Even if you are not feeling that way right now, even as you read these words. Listen and I pray you hear Holy Spirit speaking through these words – there is NOTHING worse […]

You are NOT an Ugly Duckling!

God loves you so much… YOU were created IN LOVE, it doesn’t matter how your conception occurred – God created you!  And He created you with a purpose in mind!  He created you with specific gifts that make you special! There is only ONE you!  You ARE special!  Your job is to discover just what […]