Are You Ready to Wield Your Greatest Weapon?

This post may come as a surprise to you, but I encourage you to test me on this and see the truth of it for yourself! 😉 Are you going through a hard time?  A time where you feel as though you are pressed against the wall? Are you under tremendous pressure and feel like […]

He IS My Reason and He Desires to be Yours!

If you are part of God’s “Called Remnant” it means you have become part of the body of Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:27 says: Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. Because God has called me to be one of His Scribes, I think that must make […]

God Has Called You to Intercede!

I have a very personal Word to share, one that I think Holy Spirit is prompting me to write because it is going to cause MANY breakthroughs in the lives of those around you.  Please listen: GOD HAS CHOSEN YOU FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS, HE IS CALLING YOU TO INTERCEDE What does “intercede” […]

Hey, Talented One! Yes, I’m Talkin’ to YOU!

This morning, I was reading through the Book of Matthew and Holy Spirit brought something to my attention, one that is DEFINITELY worth sharing! Let’s take a look at Matthew 25:14-30, Jesus was talking about the Kingdom of Heaven: “For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants […]

Being Out of Order with God

I have a Word of knowledge that I am feeling led to share, although truth be told I am trying myself to understand the message for it is one that needs to be shared… Holy Spirit whispered in my ear last night that many of us are missing what it is that God is trying […]

God Moments – God Desires to Speak with You, Are You Listening?

I want to encourage you to pray the following: “Father, please give me ears to hear You, eyes to see You and a heart to receive ALL You have for me.  In Jesus’ precious name I pray, Amen.” The language Holy Spirit speaks with me in may NOT be the same way He converses with […]

Who Do YOU Think YOU Are???

Have you ever had an epiphany before? You know, when you are in the middle of doing something and you have a realization that makes so much sense to you? Maybe it’s something about yourself or about a situation… But it is what I call an “Oh Yes!” Moment. A moment of realization. A moment […]

What’s Your Focus? Are You Sure About That????

We have to check our hearts every day to make sure we are in line with Holy Spirit and with the plan God has for our lives.  I think that is why the Lord tells us to keep our eyes focused on Him. Matthew 7:24-27 says: “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and […]

The Greatest Love of All – is ONLY Found in Him!

The very best thing about being in a personal relationship with Jesus once you have accepted Him into your heart as your Savior, made the decision of making Him Lord OVER your life, is the fact that the void you had totally tried to fill with “other things” becomes filled with what the Bible calls, […]

Do You Feel Like You Are Drowning?

Do you feel like you are in the middle of an ocean of situations? Chaos ALL around you and you are doing EVERYTHING you know to keep your head above the water? That you are on the brink of drowning? That you are treading water, moving your hands and kicking your feet but your energy […]

Unlike People, God is Consistent

The Bible is so consistent. We are to look at it to deal with whatever we experience and go through. There are SO many doubters of His Word and promises. Poor Job- his wife turned to Him in the midst of his trial and told him “to curse God and die!” Can you imagine? There […]