Don’t Believe the Lies of the Accuser – Stand on God’s Truth

The accuser stands before God constantly pointing a finger at us. Mocking us, making us wince at the rehashing of the shortcomings we are very much aware of in the vessel of us. Making us want to run and hide as Adam and Eve hid in the garden of Eden. But then steps Jesus forward, […]

Are You Encountering Gethsemane Moments?

I want to share something with you that I have personally found to be true… The Bible says in 1 Peter 5:8: “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” Sometimes that roaring lion will circle around the same area time and […]

The Battles We Face, The Intercession We Make

There is NOTHING in this life that is greater than God.  I want to say that again because it is truth: THERE IS NOTHING IN THIS LIFE THAT IS GREATER THAN GOD If there is anything that I can tell you I know with EVERY part that IS me, it is this – GOD IS […]

God’s Got You and He’s NEVER Going to Let You Go!

Confusion and discord are not of God. Instead of trying to contemplate someone else’s heart we need to spend more time working on our own. I am so thankful that I serve a God Who knows my EVERY thought before I even think it! (That’s kind of humbling, isn’t it? LOL). He has become the […]

True Worship is a Heart Thing

People usually think of worship as singing praise songs unto the Lord, and yes, that IS one form of worship.  The Bible says in Psalm 100:4: “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him and bless His name.” And music IS the universal language, but TRUE worship comes […]

Regrets – Shoulda, Woulda, Couldas…

I promised myself when I was in my thirties that I would live a life without regrets, without any “shoulda, woulda, couldas…” But the truth of the matter is that if we are being honest, we ALL have regrets.  But here is the thing – instead of focusing on what we have done wrong (especially […]

A Penny for Your Thoughts? Hey – HE Created You, He Knows Them Already!

The Bible tells us in Psalm 139:2: “He knows our thoughts before we even think them.” Perhaps He is more aware of what your thinking than you are… Oh if only I could have a dollar for every time I wished I knew for absolute sure what God is saying to me…  Although I am glad […]

Stand Steadfast in Him in Stormy Weather!

Are you led by faith or by your feelings?  Let me share with you that it is an absolutely CRAZY Holy Spirit thing when your peace and faith remain unshakable when you are going through a storm!  But when you think about it – it makes TOTAL Christ-Like sense! Matthew 7:24-25 says: “Everyone then who […]

Hey! Isn’t it About Time You Allowed God to Love You?!

Why is it so easy to believe for others, more than for ourselves?  Listen beloved reader – God has NO favorites.  What He has done for others, He will do for you.  You simply have to believe.    Many of us struggle with receiving, because we have always been givers.  God wants you to allow […]