Tag: Father
Are You Encountering Gethsemane Moments?
The Battles We Face, The Intercession We Make
God’s Got You and He’s NEVER Going to Let You Go!
Ashes to Beauty
True Worship is a Heart Thing
People usually think of worship as singing praise songs unto the Lord, and yes, that IS one form of worship. The Bible says in Psalm 100:4: “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him and bless His name.” And music IS the universal language, but TRUE worship comes […]
Regrets – Shoulda, Woulda, Couldas…
A Penny for Your Thoughts? Hey – HE Created You, He Knows Them Already!
Praise Him Through the Pain
Stand Steadfast in Him in Stormy Weather!
Are you led by faith or by your feelings? Let me share with you that it is an absolutely CRAZY Holy Spirit thing when your peace and faith remain unshakable when you are going through a storm! But when you think about it – it makes TOTAL Christ-Like sense! Matthew 7:24-25 says: “Everyone then who […]
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