Is There a Snake in Your Garden? Who is Fighting YOUR battles?

I am very conscientious about each post I write… Because I am a scribe for the Lord I know I am accountable for everything I share, especially when it comes to the Lord.  The Bible says in Luke 12:48: “To much is given, much is required.” When you choose to seek the Lord for the […]

The Cain and Abel Factor – Still Alive and Well Today…

This morning, as I was driving and asking Holy Spirit what it was that He wanted me to write about today, I heard Him whisper, “Cain and Abel.” I was a bit surprised, but as I thought about it, it occurred to me that the Cain and Abel factor is one that is current even […]

Wake up Beautiful Dreamer – Your Enemy Wants to Keep You Ignorant of His Presence. ARISE!

I would be remiss in writing about the love you have of a God who gave His only begotten Son for you. (See John 3:16), without writing the why of it. This may come as a surprise to you, as it did to me 34 years ago because I didn’t know, but Holy Spirit removed […]

Are You Heavy Burdened?

It is easy to become heavy burdened in a world that seems filled with problems… You may feel hard-pressed on all sides as we walk through what feels like mire.  You may feel heavy hearted, concerned, weary, discouraged, anxious, depressed. You can’t turn the news on without it adding to your concerns.  Fake news and […]

Are You Seeing Dimly? Time to Have a Light Adjustment!

I know personally how hands-on the Holy Spirit is with revelations, if you determine to keep your mind set on Him, He will reveal things to you in a very personal way, we just need to pay attention and be aware, because often He is speaking to us, we just are oblivious to it. Not […]

The Chosen – God is Choosing YOU, will you choose Him?

I have been watching the series, “The Chosen” and I would like to highly recommend this Christian series on the life of Jesus and the personal relationships that it portrays as examples of how He interacted with others. I am including the link for The Chosen website for you to be able to find it […]