God’s Christmas Gift to You – Have You Received and Opened it Yet?

I did not grow up in a Christian home, both of my parents did not attend church, I did not know anything in the Bible other than the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (from a picture filled Children’s Bible).  God was not “personal” to me, He was the BIG, pie-in-the-sky […]

Don’t Lose Focus!!!

Have you ever had a “Job” experience?  You know, a time in your walk where if you were walking in accordance with your flesh the words you *might* feel like uttering are nothing in line with how the Bible tells you to respond? 😉 Come on, I’m being honest!  Times where you know that ol’ […]

Have You Fallen and Can’t Get Up?

This morning as I prayed about what to write, Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and wanted me to to write today for those that have fallen in their walk with Christ, know they have fallen, don’t know the “why” they allowed themselves to get to the point they are currently at, but feel as […]

What Does the Platform of You Say? What Does Your Life Represent?

Last night, my husband and I began to watch an awards show on TV, we thought it would be entertaining as various actors and musicians were nominated by (we still couldn’t figure out who) to receive awards.  People that God, when creating them had gifted them with talents that were originally meant to be used […]

Abraham, Noah, Moses, Samuel, Mary Moments… God is Calling You Too!

God is calling us of today as He did His people in the day of old… I am constantly reminded by Holy Spirit that the people written about in the Bible are people JUST like us of today.  They had their own insecurities, worries, concerns, issues, just like WE do today.  The Bible tells us […]

Are You Walking in Love or Are You Walking in Pain?

This Thanksgiving I spent quite a bit of time alone with the Lord in deep prayer – and I want to share the Word that He spoke to me… Many times, when the Holy Spirit speaks to me, He speaks to me with questions to check myself, to enlighten me, to reveal things God wants […]

Do You Want More? It’s Time to Have Something BETTER Than Coffee! Ready to Have the Father Fill Your Cup?

Did you wake up this morning wanting more? Do you feel a longing in your heart, like when you are hungry, but you can’t put your finger on what it is you are hungry for? Like there is something that needs to be satisfied deep in the heart of you? Like there is an itch […]

Do You Have Bitterness of Soul?

The Bible has over 88 scriptures within it that deals with bitterness.  I looked up the definition of bitterness and this is what Google says: “Sharpness of taste; the lack of sweetness.” Does that describe where you are in life right now? Are you in a place where life lacks sweetness?  Where you feel as […]

Listen, God IS Speaking – Quiet Your Heart to Hear Him…

We live in a world that is FULL of noise… Not only around us, but IN us.  Do you know what I mean?  We live in a microwave society, where we want what we want when we want it!  Now! Now! Now!  That coupled with the ramped spirit of entitlement that is REALLY present in […]

God Forgives You – Can You forgive You?

This post is for those who are like me, an ex-prodigal, meaning that at some point in your walk with Christ you came to a fork in your road of life and went down a pathway God never intended you to go.  The Bible is full of “ex-prodigals” who God has used mighty much!  Look […]

Stop Trying to Figure it ALL Out Yourself – You are NOT in Control, You just think You Are…

One of the biggest mistakes in our thought process, is thinking that we are “large and in charge” of our lives.  The Bible gives us a perfect example of how untrue that is.  James 4:13-15 tells us: “Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city and […]