Tag: Holy Spirit
God Alone Reigns! He Shares His Glory with NO Man!
We live in a world that has proven itself to be uncertain. Even more reason for us to turn to a God Who is steadfast, never changing and reliable. Everything we need to know He has provided in His written Word. Everything that is going to take place, He has already revealed to us. If you are part of […]
You Are NOT Your Desires
The Giver of Love is Love Himself!
Beware – Be Aware
Hey – Stop Beating Yourself Up! God’s Grace IS Sufficient
At some point in your walk, if you haven’t already, you will probably experience a prodigal moment. I would like to positively refer to this as a “growth spurt” in your spiritual walk… For me it was a detour onto a road I had no business traveling. Thinking about it I could slap myself upside the back […]
Once a Prodigal Does Not Mean ALWAYS a Prodigal
God Has a Message For You
Is a Pharoah Hindering You?
The Fire Alarm Story – It’s Alarming!
Who Sits on the Throne Seat of You?
Holy Spirit Restores “Cracked Vessels” He Makes Them Whole
Holy Spirit has been teaching me to exercise… I am not talking about exercising my “physical” body (which even writing this, I’m feeling convicted, I should do… 🙂 ) but exercising my spiritual eyes, which because I never thought of exercise in that sense, can feel difficult to adjust to. Is Holy Spirit asking you […]
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