You Can Trust God, He Won’t Fail You

Sometimes we allow God to take the brunt of our feelings because of what people have done to us… Sometimes the perception that we have of God is based upon relationships that have failed us and we think that God will do the same.  Listen, it is so important for us to separate our experiences […]


Many people think that the term “surrender” is a sign of weakness or an admission of defeat… The truth is spiritual surrender is actually a sign of maturity.  What is it that Holy Spirit is bringing to your mind as you read this post?  The spirit of pride and a feeling of indignation may rise […]

Sometimes We Need to Just Get Out of God’s Way

When I was a little girl and it was bedtime, my mother use to say as she tucked me into bed, “Kelly, no bad dreams allowed.”  As she leaned over and kissed me good night.  Because my mom said, “bad dreams weren’t allowed,” I believed her and would settle deeper under my covers confident that […]

Heaviness is a Spirit – Isn’t it Time You Removed it?

Are you downhearted? Discouraged? Depressed? Forlorn? Sad?  It could be that what you are experiencing is “a heaviness of spirit.”  Did you know that is a spirit?  The Bible tells us in Ephesians 6:12: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this […]

You Get to Choose, the Choice Has ALWAYS Been Yours!

You are precious to God. You matter.  You were created with a purpose.  You were created with gifts. God made you special. Even if you are not feeling that way right now, even as you read these words. Listen and I pray you hear Holy Spirit speaking through these words – there is NOTHING worse […]

Behind the Scenes of Your Life

If you are a child of the Utmost High, I promise you, He is working behind the scenes of your life.  Just because you may not see what is happening with your earthly eyes does not mean that God is not in the process of working all things out for your good.  The Bible IS […]

Eyes Wide Open – Listen, The Villain is Hidden

This is a word that some may not want to read, they say that ignorance is bliss – but the very meaning of the word, “Ignorance” is defined in Oxford Dictionary as: “Lack of knowledge or information.” The Bible tells us in Hosea 4:6: “My people perish for lack of knowledge…” Keeping our eyes shut […]

Are You Closing This Year with Fear OR with Faith?

New Year’s Eve is soon approaching, it is a time that should I allow it, feels me with unease and anxiety – which are two things that are NOT of God… I guess I always feel that way because it causes me to look back on the year that is ending, with all that has […]

God’s Christmas Gift to You – Have You Received and Opened it Yet?

I did not grow up in a Christian home, both of my parents did not attend church, I did not know anything in the Bible other than the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (from a picture filled Children’s Bible).  God was not “personal” to me, He was the BIG, pie-in-the-sky […]

Truth OR Dare? You Pick…

Truth or Dare? Which will you pick? Come on now, you remember playing this as a kid, if you didn’t – you missed out! So which will it be? This isn’t the same version – but it’s one people have a hard time facing…. Truth – Okay, the truth is most people are uncomfortable taking […]

Push Through It… Keep Going!

The very last thing the enemy wants is for you to fulfill your destiny in Christ, the reason and the purpose that God created you in your mother’s womb.  You were born with gifts, with talents that were meant to glorify the Creator, bless others and in the glorious process of being used by Him, […]