What Pursuit are You Pursuing?

Whether or not we recognize it, every morning that we wake up we go through our day believing things and whatever we believe sets the course of actions on what we do with that day.  Our daily activities that we perform are engrained in how we live and whether or not we recognize it – […]

Are YOU From the Island of Broken or Misfit People?

Are you feeling like you are from the Island of misfit or broken toys?  It’s Christmas time and one of my favorite Christmas cartoons is Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.    The reindeer who wasn’t accepted by all the other reindeers because he was “different.”  Instead of being considered “special” he was ostracized for his bright shiny red nose.  He […]

How Are You Living? What is the Foundation of You?

This post is for you if you have declared yourself to be a Christian.  The dictionary defines the word “Christian” like this: “A person who has received Christian baptism or is a believer in Christianity.” It also says, “relating to or professing Christianity or its teaching.” and in Google it says, “a person who believes […]

The Biggest Bully of All Times is No Match for God

The biggest bully of all stands in the background of your life, mocking you, whispering insults and accusations in your ear. His greatest accolade is causing havoc in the most vulnerable areas of your life and making you believe that he doesn’t even exist. He is called the devil or satan and he absolutely and […]