You Get to Choose, the Choice Has ALWAYS Been Yours!

You are precious to God. You matter.  You were created with a purpose.  You were created with gifts. God made you special. Even if you are not feeling that way right now, even as you read these words. Listen and I pray you hear Holy Spirit speaking through these words – there is NOTHING worse […]

You are NOT an Ugly Duckling!

God loves you so much… YOU were created IN LOVE, it doesn’t matter how your conception occurred – God created you!  And He created you with a purpose in mind!  He created you with specific gifts that make you special! There is only ONE you!  You ARE special!  Your job is to discover just what […]

Behind the Scenes of Your Life

If you are a child of the Utmost High, I promise you, He is working behind the scenes of your life.  Just because you may not see what is happening with your earthly eyes does not mean that God is not in the process of working all things out for your good.  The Bible IS […]

Yes God Can AND Yes God Will! You Just Have to Say – YES!

Don’t believe the lies of the devil if during this new year He has you convinced that God cannot possibly use you.  That is an absolute lie from the pit of hell!  Nothing about you comes as a surprise to God!  Not what you have done! Not what you have thought!  Not even where you […]

Are You Out of Order?

The things that matter to you define how you try and live right? Proverbs 23:7 says: “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”. So, how you think defines how you live… Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “Belief” in the three ways listed below: “Something that is accepted, considered to be true, or held as […]

Have You (in Christ) Done all You Can?

Today I woke up and as I sat down at my computer, after praying, my mind went blank… I didn’t have a Word to share or a notion as to what I should write.  And then I thought about the scripture, the last part of Ephesians 6:13 that says: “…and when you have done all, […]

Stop the Pretenses, Stop the Pressure!

This new year I want you to know, that you don’t have to start the new year off with pretenses… Most people start the new year with a resolution and then three weeks later their resolution has gone up in smoke.  Listen, we are ALL works in progress, if anyone knows that GOD does!  Remember: […]

Are You Closing This Year with Fear OR with Faith?

New Year’s Eve is soon approaching, it is a time that should I allow it, feels me with unease and anxiety – which are two things that are NOT of God… I guess I always feel that way because it causes me to look back on the year that is ending, with all that has […]

You are NOT Alone

Are you in a situation where you feel as though no one understands you? As though you are at a standstill in your life with no idea how to move forward?  Do you feel alone in a room crowded with people? That no one “gets” you?  Are you at a point in your life where […]

Spitting Out, “I’ll Pray for You”

What language does your life speak? Are you aware that your life speaks a language all of it’s own? The story of the Tower of Babel and the language change that God had take place amongst the people shown in Genesis 11:1-9 showed the change that occurred with dialect and communication.  What language do YOU […]

You May Love Others – But Do You Love You?

One of the things that I am learning in my walk with the Lord is that often times, we can be our own worst critic… Do you ever feel that way about yourself as well?  Ex-prodigals, you know what I’m talking about… If you repent of something, the Bible tells us in Psalm 103:12: “God […]

Have You Fallen and Can’t Get Up?

This morning as I prayed about what to write, Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and wanted me to to write today for those that have fallen in their walk with Christ, know they have fallen, don’t know the “why” they allowed themselves to get to the point they are currently at, but feel as […]