Category: The Prodigal Experience
Yes God Can AND Yes God Will! You Just Have to Say – YES!
Are You Out of Order?
The things that matter to you define how you try and live right? Proverbs 23:7 says: “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”. So, how you think defines how you live… Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “Belief” in the three ways listed below: “Something that is accepted, considered to be true, or held as […]
Have You (in Christ) Done all You Can?
Stop the Pretenses, Stop the Pressure!
Are You Closing This Year with Fear OR with Faith?
You are NOT Alone
Spitting Out, “I’ll Pray for You”
What language does your life speak? Are you aware that your life speaks a language all of it’s own? The story of the Tower of Babel and the language change that God had take place amongst the people shown in Genesis 11:1-9 showed the change that occurred with dialect and communication. What language do YOU […]
You May Love Others – But Do You Love You?
Have You Fallen and Can’t Get Up?
What Does the Platform of You Say? What Does Your Life Represent?
Last night, my husband and I began to watch an awards show on TV, we thought it would be entertaining as various actors and musicians were nominated by (we still couldn’t figure out who) to receive awards. People that God, when creating them had gifted them with talents that were originally meant to be used […]
The Called Remnant Reader Comments: