Having Ears to Hear Holy Spirit And a Heart to Receive…

Throughout the course of your life in Christ, Holy Spirit who Jesus sent to be our Teacher, our Guide, our Instructor is an ever ready presence as you live out your life in Christ.  When you make the choice to accept Jesus into your heart as Savior, choose to make Him Lord OVER your life, […]

A Penny for Your Thoughts? Hey – HE Created You, He Knows Them Already!

The Bible tells us in Psalm 139:2: “He knows our thoughts before we even think them.” Perhaps He is more aware of what your thinking than you are… Oh if only I could have a dollar for every time I wished I knew for absolute sure what God is saying to me…  Although I am glad […]

Hey! Isn’t it About Time You Allowed God to Love You?!

Why is it so easy to believe for others, more than for ourselves?  Listen beloved reader – God has NO favorites.  What He has done for others, He will do for you.  You simply have to believe.    Many of us struggle with receiving, because we have always been givers.  God wants you to allow […]

Experiencing God’s Love

If I were to describe what it feels like to experience what the Bible describes as “The peace that passes ALL understanding,” I would only be able to compare it to that warm feeling you get when you are cold and you snuggle down deeper underneath an electric blanket… Or the feeling of seeing someone […]

How About Forgiving Because God Forgives You?

My style has always been one to try and reach people where they are at…  I guess if my friends were to describe me, most of them would say, “Kelly doesn’t sugar coat anything.  She’s the raw ingredients. She’s completely transparent and the ‘real deal… I know that if I want a direct and honest answer, I […]

Walking the Walk of Forgiveness – No Wincing Puhleaase…

One thing that I can say I’m learning in my walk with Christ is that the hard things that God asks us to do are probably the things that benefit us the most in doing them… Maybe that’s why they are so hard… Give you an example of what I mean?  Okay, let’s take forgiveness. […]

Listen, Can You Hear Him? He’s Calling Your Name…

The Witness of God is All around us.  Do you have eyes to see? Ears to hear? Hearts to receive what it is that God is saying to us this day?  We are surrounded by so much noise, so we have to make a choice to listen.  There is so much around us that causes […]

Are You Familiar with the God Who Laughs?

We are so wrong when we view God as a “stoic, disciplinary, shaking His finger at us” kind of God… YES God IS Holy and we should treat Him with the honor and respect He deserves as our Creator.  But when we focus on the image of a God that seems “unreachable” or “unloving” or […]

Stop the Pretenses, Stop the Pressure!

This new year I want you to know, that you don’t have to start the new year off with pretenses… Most people start the new year with a resolution and then three weeks later their resolution has gone up in smoke.  Listen, we are ALL works in progress, if anyone knows that GOD does!  Remember: […]

Are You Closing This Year with Fear OR with Faith?

New Year’s Eve is soon approaching, it is a time that should I allow it, feels me with unease and anxiety – which are two things that are NOT of God… I guess I always feel that way because it causes me to look back on the year that is ending, with all that has […]

You are NOT Alone

Are you in a situation where you feel as though no one understands you? As though you are at a standstill in your life with no idea how to move forward?  Do you feel alone in a room crowded with people? That no one “gets” you?  Are you at a point in your life where […]