Tag: truth
Are You Backslidden? This Post is For You!
This post is going out to ALL of those who became prodigals at one point in their walk when they were ALREADY saved (like I had). This specifically is going out to those ex-prodigals, who have already made their journey back home to the Father, and have accepted that the Father has forgiven them, but […]
True Worship is a Heart Thing
People usually think of worship as singing praise songs unto the Lord, and yes, that IS one form of worship. The Bible says in Psalm 100:4: “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him and bless His name.” And music IS the universal language, but TRUE worship comes […]
Just Let It Go
Regrets – Shoulda, Woulda, Couldas…
Just Because You Don’t See it – Doesn’t Mean it isn’t Happening
Experiencing God’s Love
If I were to describe what it feels like to experience what the Bible describes as “The peace that passes ALL understanding,” I would only be able to compare it to that warm feeling you get when you are cold and you snuggle down deeper underneath an electric blanket… Or the feeling of seeing someone […]
How About Forgiving Because God Forgives You?
My style has always been one to try and reach people where they are at… I guess if my friends were to describe me, most of them would say, “Kelly doesn’t sugar coat anything. She’s the raw ingredients. She’s completely transparent and the ‘real deal… I know that if I want a direct and honest answer, I […]
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