Who Sits on the Throne Seat of You?

I feel like Holy Spirit is prompting me to ask you this today: WHO IS YOUR GOD? What have you chosen to put on the center throne of your life? Is it worry? Is it problems? Is it money?  Is it an addiction? Is it hatred or anger? Or is it something else? What at […]

Holy Spirit Restores “Cracked Vessels” He Makes Them Whole

Holy Spirit has been teaching me to exercise… I am not talking about exercising my “physical” body (which even writing this, I’m feeling convicted, I should do… 🙂 ) but exercising my spiritual eyes, which because I never thought of exercise in that sense, can feel difficult to adjust to.  Is Holy Spirit asking you […]

You CAN Do Hard Things!

2024 has been a year of “hard things” but I want to encourage you to remain steadfast in your faith, Beloved Remnant, we serve a God Who IS faithful! Who IS graceful!  Who IS filled with mercy! I wish I could see you face-to-face right now so that you can REALLY see the truth of […]

Are You Ready to Wield Your Greatest Weapon?

This post may come as a surprise to you, but I encourage you to test me on this and see the truth of it for yourself! 😉 Are you going through a hard time?  A time where you feel as though you are pressed against the wall? Are you under tremendous pressure and feel like […]

God Has Called You to Intercede!

I have a very personal Word to share, one that I think Holy Spirit is prompting me to write because it is going to cause MANY breakthroughs in the lives of those around you.  Please listen: GOD HAS CHOSEN YOU FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS, HE IS CALLING YOU TO INTERCEDE What does “intercede” […]

Are You Backslidden? This Post is For You!

This post is going out to ALL of those who became prodigals at one point in their walk when they were ALREADY saved (like I had).  This specifically is going out to those ex-prodigals, who have already made their journey back home to the Father, and have accepted that the Father has forgiven them, but […]

Hey! Isn’t it About Time You Allowed God to Love You?!

Why is it so easy to believe for others, more than for ourselves?  Listen beloved reader – God has NO favorites.  What He has done for others, He will do for you.  You simply have to believe.    Many of us struggle with receiving, because we have always been givers.  God wants you to allow […]


Many people think that the term “surrender” is a sign of weakness or an admission of defeat… The truth is spiritual surrender is actually a sign of maturity.  What is it that Holy Spirit is bringing to your mind as you read this post?  The spirit of pride and a feeling of indignation may rise […]

Sometimes We Need to Just Get Out of God’s Way

When I was a little girl and it was bedtime, my mother use to say as she tucked me into bed, “Kelly, no bad dreams allowed.”  As she leaned over and kissed me good night.  Because my mom said, “bad dreams weren’t allowed,” I believed her and would settle deeper under my covers confident that […]

You are NOT Alone

Are you in a situation where you feel as though no one understands you? As though you are at a standstill in your life with no idea how to move forward?  Do you feel alone in a room crowded with people? That no one “gets” you?  Are you at a point in your life where […]

You May Love Others – But Do You Love You?

One of the things that I am learning in my walk with the Lord is that often times, we can be our own worst critic… Do you ever feel that way about yourself as well?  Ex-prodigals, you know what I’m talking about… If you repent of something, the Bible tells us in Psalm 103:12: “God […]