The Accuser Accuses – That’s What He Does

As I was praying today, thinking about myself, people I know, the state of the world, the thought that went through my head is this: The accuser – accuses.  It’s what he does. So why are we surprised that the same tactics ol’ slewfoot used in the Garden of Eden with  Eve and Adam, he […]

Are You Backslidden? This Post is For You!

This post is going out to ALL of those who became prodigals at one point in their walk when they were ALREADY saved (like I had).  This specifically is going out to those ex-prodigals, who have already made their journey back home to the Father, and have accepted that the Father has forgiven them, but […]

Put Your Eyes on Jesus, Not Your Circumstances

Jesus understands so much more than we give Him credit for… What are you feeling?  What point are you in your walk with Him? The one thing the enemy tries desperately to do, is whisper words of discouragement into our ears.  His purpose is to do the same exact thing that he did with Eve […]

Behind the Scenes of Your Life

If you are a child of the Utmost High, I promise you, He is working behind the scenes of your life.  Just because you may not see what is happening with your earthly eyes does not mean that God is not in the process of working all things out for your good.  The Bible IS […]

Don’t Lose Focus!!!

Have you ever had a “Job” experience?  You know, a time in your walk where if you were walking in accordance with your flesh the words you *might* feel like uttering are nothing in line with how the Bible tells you to respond? 😉 Come on, I’m being honest!  Times where you know that ol’ […]

There is a Bully in Your Life – Are You Even Aware?

The biggest bully of all stands in the background of your life, mocking you, whispering insults and accusations in your ear. His greatest accolade is causing havoc in the most vulnerable areas of your life and making you believe that he doesn’t even exist. He is called the devil or satan and he absolutely and […]

Righteous Indignation – Enough IS Enough! Have You Had Enough?

What rocks your faith?  Think about that question for a moment… When you have your answer, know that THAT area is a sore spot, and if ol’ slewfoot and his demons know that they have tripped you up in that area before – they are more than apt to try it again. What gets your […]

The Accuser…

I had a revelation tonight
 satan is called “the accuser” “he is the accuser of the brethren
” (Revelations 12:10) The Bible tells us his goal is to kill, steal and destroy  (read John 10:10). Anyway and anyone who can hurt you he will use. So why are we so taken by surprise when it is […]